Showing 14 Result(s)
Come close to God

How to come closer to God

Coming close to God is a deeply personal and subjective experience, as it involves one’s spiritual journey and beliefs. Different individuals and religious traditions may have their own paths and practices for seeking closeness to God. As Christians…

Follow God's laws

Follow the commandments of God

As Christians, we have commandments that we must follow, to live a life according to the will of God. We also live according to Christian principles. Christianity teaches its followers to strive for righteousness and to live a life that reflects their faith in Jesus Christ…

Lord give us your signs

Lord give us Your signs

Signs from heaven can be interpreted in various ways depending on one’s beliefs and personal experiences. Some people believe that signs from heaven can come in the form of meaningful coincidences, symbols, dreams, or a feeling of divine presence…

Our mission is love

Our mission is Love

When we are sent to earth, we are sent with a special purpose; a special mission. The core of our mission is love; loving others and being loved, and honestly, that is what makes everything better. We do not live like other creatures…

Put a smile on God's face

Always put a smile on God’s face

Nowadays, when our lives are overwhelmed with many factors, we tend to become self-centered, and always think about the “me.” What’s in it for me… Whenever we think in that sense, we always move away from God…

Good things are coming for you

At last 2023 is upon us, and we all gather around loved ones and wish the best upon them for the upcoming year. Let this year be different than the past, full of better outcomes, better health, prosperity and may the love of Christ resonate in all our lives…